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Date du message : lundi 4 mars 2019 à 10h15


Il semblerait (lu sur le site anglais Slot Car Illustrated) que Scalextric proposerait des nouveaux rails et des nouveaux châssis pour la gamme Micro 1/64 en 2019 !

Auriez vous des infos à ce sujet ??

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Sloteur Fou

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Date du message : mercredi 6 mars 2019 à 12h01

Yep Saab,

En cherchant un peu (et rien que Micro Scalextric - FranceSlotforum (7) ), j'ai vu que Scalextric sort en Micro une nouvelle gamme orientée "tous petits" et donné comme compatible avec l'actuelle gamme Micro.

Je ne sais rien de plus Micro Scalextric - FranceSlotforum (9)


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Genre : Masculin MasculinInscription : 02/01/2014
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Date du message : mercredi 6 mars 2019 à 12h25

Vu sur le forum Micro scalextric

"I was very lucky to visit Margate last month for a preview of the new Micro Scalextric sets that were announced as part of the 2019 Scalextric range. What I saw were pre-production samples and prototypes - the first new set will be available in May.
The sets have a brand new track system that has been designed and developed over the past two years to make Micro Scalextric easier to use and more robust. The aim is to give first-time Micro racers a much better experience. Further sets, cars, track and accessories are also planned for 2020 and beyond so that Micro is supported as a long-term hobby alternative to 1/32 Scalextric - recognising that not all families have the space or the funds for full-size Scalextric.
First, let's look at the track. The dimensions are pretty much the same, but gone are the vertical rails - we now have a proper 'micro' Scalextric track with flat power rails and sprung connectors...

The track in the first sets will include 75mm and 150mm straights, 150mm powerbase, loop-the-loop and 45-degree 223mm (9-inch) radius corners.
Now for the cars. Compared to the current Micro cars, the new chassis look like this...

The new chassis is a little smaller, narrower and lower. The bodies are attached by a screw at the front, which also holds the much-improved braid plate...

The motor is a modern N20 can motor, which runs very strongly at 9 volts - the maxiumum track voltage of the new sets. The gears are the same, with the very smooth mesh that we know and love. The axles can no longer 'pop out' of the chassis.

Now for the sets... The new range features three standard track lengths - a 2.5 metre figure-of-eight in the two My First Scalextric sets; a medium sized set with 4 metres of track and 9 alternative layouts; and a big set with 5.7 metres of track and 12 alternative layouts. Wacky Races will be the first 'medium' set...
On the track, the cars are quick and nimble. The new adjustable controllers have 4 speed settings and are the same design as those released in sets at the end of 2018. I could run cars at full throttle on the first two settings and they would get round the track and loop-the-loops without de-slotting. On the biggest track (Justice League set), a little throttle control was needed on the highest setting. On all the set layouts, the top speed setting required good throttle control in the corners.
I made a video with more information and some footage of the cars on the Wacky Races set track. The video is here: https://youtu.be/38UaPHFyfck
I'll leave it there for now, but will add another post with some pictures of the new Warner Brothers cars from Looney Tunes, Wacky Races and Justice League - including the non-set cars. I'm also very happy to answer any questions and look at some ways of running current Micro Scalextric cars (and other brands of 1/64 scale cars) on the new track system.
Posted at 14:12:53 Mon, 11 Feb 2019

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Sloteur Fou

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Date du message : mercredi 6 mars 2019 à 13h00

d'après slot car illustrated ce nouveau circuit ne permettrait pas de faire rouler les autres voitures HO (AFX par exmple) car la fente est plus large et la prise de courant différente (plus proche du 1/43).
Par contre les voitures devraient rouler mieux que les microscalex actuelles


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Genre : Masculin MasculinInscription : 02/01/2014
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Date du message : mercredi 6 mars 2019 à 15h21

Merci pour ces infos.

Question dont tu n'as peut être pas la réponse :

Les nouvelles autos rouleront elles sur les anciennes rails ?

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Sloteur Fou

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Date du message : mercredi 6 mars 2019 à 17h53

Je suis pas sur. Mais je tiens juste mes infos de la traduction automatique de l'article de slot car illustrated. peut être cela marchera, vu qu'elles ont des tresses (contrairement aux AFX)


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