11 Christian Movies Based on True Stories That will Inspire You to Believe in God (2025)

11 Christian Movies Based on True Stories That will Inspire You to Believe in God (1)

Whenever I am looking for a good movie to watch I always look for Christian films that are based on the true story of someone walking in the Christian faith. Faith-based films that depict true events are important for us to watch as Christians as they are a creative way to inspire our walk with the Lord Jesus Christ.

It could be great men and women from church history, or people today who faced giants; whatever the story you will be inspired by the example set to walk with God. Here is a list of the best Christian movies based on true stories.

Torch Lighter Series

I do a lot of work in Children’s ministry. From the Bible Teacher at my local AWANA, a Sunday School teacher, and A summer VBS teacher, and we host Bible Studies in our home where I run a children’s Bible study at the same time.

If you work in the Children’s ministry, you know the importance of having good movies on hand for the unexpected days when the teacher is unavailable or the special events when the children are excited about something new.

I also homeschooled my children through elementary grades, and I was always on the lookout for educational videos. I loved to turn long car rides into educational moments. So, between DVDs and CDs, we were always looking for ways to teach the children without them knowing they were learning something.

This series is by far my favorite children’s series. Every parent I have recommended this series to has come back to thank me. The one response I always get is how much they learned from watching with their children. Every Christian should know Church History. This animated series is the perfect way to do that.

Soul Surfer

Bethany Hamilton is one of my favorite people. I love following her on social media and watching her raise her sons. But I discovered Bethany Hamilton when I took my daughters to watch Soul Surfer in the theaters. This faith-based drama was based on the life of a young girl who lived life as a competitive surfer.

She had a perfect life. A family that loved her, a church she enjoyed attending, and a sport she was destined to dominate. But one shark attack changed everything. Carrie Underwood makes an appearance in this film as a church leader and worship leader. She sings a song called “Blessed be your name”.

The song starts with praising God’s name when everything is good, and then the lines, “Blessed be Your name on the road marked with suffering, though there’s a pain in the offering, Blessed be Your name.”

The movie starts with this song, and this is the message of the film. Bethany has to decide if she will embrace her life, and live to her full potential, even if life is full of roads marked with suffering. Dennis Quaid and Hellen Hunt play Bethan’s mother and father in this film, and they are amazing.

While my children were captivated by Bethany’s story, as a parent I saw the story through the reactions of her parents. Their faith in God to navigate their daughter through this tragic event is one that impacted me.

I’m Not Ashamed

I remember the exact moment I learned about the Columbine High School shooting. It was April 20th, 1999. I was working for my university radio station. It was the afternoon shift, and I checked the wire. As I was reading the words that were coming across the wire, I could not believe it. A shooting at a school? I had to then read this news over the radio.

Over the next few days and weeks, more and more stories came out, each story painted a picture that seemed more horrific than the next. The story that stood out to me was the story of a girl name Rachel Joy Scott. She was the first student killed in the Columbine High School shooting.

The gunman faced Rachel, put a gun to her head, and asked if she was a Christian. When she said yes, he killed her.

I’m not ashamed is the story of Rachel and her strong faith that give her the courage to face death. There are so many school shootings now, they don’t even seem to shock us anymore. It is important to have conversations with our children about school shootings because it is something they talk about with each other. This film is a good way to open up that conversation.

I Am Potential

When I was a new mother, I took care of a little girl who was unable to speak. She had many difficulties with her life. However, she was always happy. Her smile lit up every room she walked into. Her teachers and friends at school loved her. She was a God-given miracle to the world. We need to hear more stories of people facing disabilities to see the potential God has for them.

The movie, I am Potential is the story of a father who helps his son face life as a blind, wheelchair-bound young man. With the father’s help, the world sees his potential, and the young boy sees he has God-given gifts.

The Case for Christ

This is a movie I watched with my daughters and their friends when I hosted a movie night at our house for teenagers. The movie was very well made and my teens, who are very picky about the movies they watch, loved it. In this movie a journalist, Lee Strobel is shocked to learn his wife has become a Christian.

As an atheist, he is very angry. He begins using his job as an investigative journalist with the New York Times to prove Jesus did not rise again. This leads Lee on a journey of discovery where he finds the truth about Jesus Christ, and it saves his marriage.

The Blind Side

We are an adoptive family. I was adopted as a baby, and a few years ago we adopted two teenage sisters. Because of that, I am picky about what adoptive, or foster care movies I recommend. The Blind Side is an example of a great movie with the theme of adoption.

It does not shy away from the awkwardness of bringing a teenager into your home, at the same the movie shows each person for who they are. This movie is the story of Michael Oher, a homeless boy who is welcomed into a Christian family and Christian school, and then is given an opportunity to change his life with the game of football.

If you are interested in foster care or adoption, this is a great movie to watch as a family. Perhaps it will inspire you to offer a home to a teenager as well.


Josh McDowell is an evangelist and author who trains young people in apologetics. We have used his material ourselves as a family. I was unaware of the story of Josh’s childhood until I saw his movie.

Most of the movies I watch with streaming services, but this is one we have on DVD. I will tell you this is not a movie recommended for young children, because of the scenes showing the abuse Josh faced as a child at the hands of his abusive father.

I have worked with at-risk young people and have heard many horror stories. Sometimes the teens I work with think that God can not use them because of where they came from. It is important to share Josh’s story to show others that your past does not define your future. At the same time, you have to deal with your past in order to have a future filled with love.


I am a pro-life speaker. I share my story of adoption and help people learn how to defend the Profile stance. I have spent time praying outside of the hospital in our area where abortions take place on Tuesdays. We don’t have an abortion doctor in our town, so the hospital brings one to our town every Tuesday.

It is hard to pray outside the hospital knowing what is happening inside. Unplanned is the story of Abby Johnson, she was the youngest planned parenthood clinic directors. She faces the people praying outside her clinic. Then one day she witnesses the abortion she has been advocating for, and changes everything.

This is a very well-made movie, with amazing acting. I highly recommend this movie.

To Joey, with Love

I followed the story of Joey on social media as it was happening. Joey was an amazing singer and the birth of her daughter had all of us fans excited. But when she was diagnosed with cancer, we all hoped for the best. Joey captured every moment of her time battling cancer.

I followed this story very closely on social media, and I was inspired by her love for Jesus Christ. Joey was defiantly a woman filled with the Holy Spirit. The love between Joey, and her husband is something that will change your life.

This is a tear-jerker movie, and I recommend it because I hope you will be as inspired by her powerful message of hope as I have been.

I still Believe

This true film tells the story of Jeremy Camps’s first wife. Jeremy is a college student who learns that it is one thing to praise God and love him when life is going well, it is a challenge to keep worshiping and loving God when you face an incurable disease. This is a powerful drama that will remind your family to worship in the hard times, and the good times.

The lead roles are played by K.J. Apa and Britt Robertson, both great actors. We watched this film as a family and even my husband cried, although he pretended he wasn’t crying. This is a movie to watch with your youth group. I know my teenagers loved it, and so did their friends.

Miracles From Heaven

My daughter has watched this movie more times than I can count. It is one of her favorite Christian movies. Jennifer Garner stars in this story of a mom who is helping her daughter deal with an incurable disease. A mother with a child facing impossible odds, she is willing to go to any length to try and help her.

But a near-death experience creates a miracle that can not be explained. One of the reasons I love true stories is that you can look up the families online to see what they are doing now. This true story was a hit at the box office and was a great witness of God’s Amazing Grace.

This is a story of a mother’s journey of faith. and as a mother myself I can only imagine the stress she was under. I was inspired by this story to take my own leap of faith and believe for a miracle when my father was in the hospital. If you are looking for a film for the whole family this is it!

11 Christian Movies Based on True Stories That will Inspire You to Believe in God (2025)
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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

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Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.